297 2017-07-16 Hipódromo de Monterrico 1041 16:25 República de Colombia 1200m Clásico (Cl) Yeguas peso por edad (h2a+) 12000 3600 2400 1200 0 0 0 0 0 0 Arena Normal 1.11.61 GANA (9)S/.10.80 PL.(9)S/.6.60 PL.(3)S/.4.20 EXACTA (9-3)S/.35.80 (6,700 BOLETOS) TRIFECTA (9-3-4)S/.44.40 (3,410 BOLETOS) 9 Genoveva Man Of Iron 5a 1,706.00 59 E. Talaverano Alfonso Arias Rodriguez Voghera 10 3 Sweet Aurelia Archarcharch 5a 2,104.10 59 M. Arenas A Pedraglio Aurelia 3 4 Nemesis Awesome Twist 5a 1,478.00 59 B. Tapara B Morales El Catorce 5 1 Ola Grande Man Of Iron 4a 4 886.00 58.5 C. Trujillo S. Arias Altamar 1 5 Keravina Minister's Joy 4a 621.00 58.5 R. Herrera E Pianez. B Don Jorge 6 3a Siena Awesome Twist 4a 0.00 58.5 M. Vilcarima A Pedraglio Aurelia 4 7 Corazonperfecto Lido Palace 4a 485.00 58.5 J. Enriquez F. Banda El Castillo 8 2 Hebra Fina Timely Advice 5a 5 564.00 59 C. Herrera J. Suárez Villarroel Jet Set 2 6 Cydonia Land Of The Giants 4a 527.00 58.5 M. Chuan J. Suárez Villarroel Manning 7 8 Cydonia Land Of The Giants 4a 59 M. Chuan J. Suárez Villarroel Manning 9