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(51-1) 610-3000

Resultados | Hipódromo de Monterrico - PERU

Reunión 334 Aqueduct
Sábado 30 de Noviembre del 2019


Clásico (Cl) G3
Pr. "Long Island S."
Hembras 3 años y más (h3a+)
2200m Pasto (Good)
15:44 hrs.

Bolsa de Premios: USD $397.375

USD $220.000 al 1ro - USD $80.000 al 2do - USD $48.000 al 3ro - USD $24.000 al 4to - USD $16.800 al 5to - USD $1.715 al 6to - USD $1.715 al 7mo - USD $1.715 al 8vo - USD $1.715 al 9no - USD $1.715 al 10mo

Exacta, trifecta (.50), super (.10), double wagers

1° Si Que Es Buena

2° My Sister Nat

3° Decorating

4° Pivotal Connection

5° Empressof the Nile

6° Mercilla

7° Lift Up

8° Wegetsdamunnys

9° Romantic Pursuit

10° Homeland Security

11° Entropia

12° More Fun Again

Ejemplar (Padrillo) E. Dist. Jinete Preparador Div.
1 Si Que Es Buena (Equal Stripes) 6a 56.2 J. Rosario H. G. Motion 1.3
4 My Sister Nat (Acclamation) 4a pz 56.2 J. Ortiz Chad C. Brown 6.5
5 Decorating (Galileo) 4a ½ cp 55.3 J. Lezcano Thomas F. Proctor 27.25
12 Pivotal Connection (Pivotal) 5a ¾ cp 55.3 B. Hernandez William I. Mott 36
11 Empressof the Nile (Pioneerof the Nile) 5a 1 56.2 I. Ortiz, H. G. Motion 4
2 Mercilla (Arch) 3a 53.5 E. Cancel H. G. Motion 18.4
9 Lift Up (Ghostzapper) 5a 56.2 J. Bravo Michael W. Dickinson 8
13 Wegetsdamunnys (D' funnybone) 4a 55.3 K. Carmouche Christophe Clement 39.5
8 Romantic Pursuit (Medaglia D'Oro) 3a 2 55.3 D. Davis Kiaran P. McLaughlin 13.8
10° 10 Homeland Security (Smart Strike) 5a 56.2 J. Alvarado Christophe Clement 9.2
11° 3 Entropia (Mount Nelson) 4a 55.3 H. Diaz, Jr. William I. Mott 78
12° 7 More Fun Again (Arch) 4a 5 55.3 J. Correa Thomas F. Proctor 124.5
Retiros: (6)Beau Belle, (14)Another Broad, (15)Team Win
Tiempo: 02.19.68 2200m Pasto (Good)
Ejemplar Ganador A Segundo A Tercero
(1) Si Que Es Buena 4.6 3.3 2.8
(4) My Sister Nat
6 4.4
(5) Decorating

Ganador 4.6
Exacta (1-4) 16.40 - 352318
Trifecta (1-4-5) 88.62 - 189907
Superfecta (1-4-5-12) 241.15 - 124488
Daily Double (6-1) 8.80 - 85814
Favorito: (1)Si Que Es Buena

Mandiles: 1, 4, 5, 12, 11, 2, 9, 13, 8, 10, 3, 7

Jinetes: (1°) Joel Rosario, (2°) Jose L. Ortiz, (3°) Jose Lezcano, (4°) Benjamin Hernandez, (5°) Irad Ortiz, Jr., (6°) Eric Cancel, (7°) Joe Bravo, (8°) Kendrick Carmouche, (9°) Dylan Davis, (10°) Junior Alvarado, (11°) Hector R. Diaz, Jr., (12°) Julio Correa

Preparadores: (1°) H. G. Motion, (2°) Chad C. Brown, (3°) Thomas F. Proctor, (4°) William I. Mott, (5°) H. G. Motion, (6°) H. G. Motion, (7°) Michael W. Dickinson, (8°) Christophe Clement, (9°) Kiaran P. McLaughlin, (10°) Christophe Clement, (11°) William I. Mott, (12°) Thomas F. Proctor

Studs: (1°) Takaya Shimakawa, (2°) Peter M. Brant, (3°) Glen Hill Farm, (4°) Team Valor International, (5°) Madaket Stables LLC, Manganaro Bloodstock and Masiello, Robert, (6°) Hillen, Rebecca, Madaket Stables, LLC and Wonder Stables, (7°) Augustin Stable, (8°) Krase, Scott D. and Stokes, Peter G., (9°) Godolphin, LLC, (10°) Moyglare Stud Farm, Ltd., (11°) Yoshihiro Ito, (12°) Timothy Thornton C.

Criadores: (1°) Haras Abolengo, (2°) Ecurie Des Monceaux, (3°) Glen Hill Farm, (4°) Cheveley Park Stud Ltd, (5°) Pam Doddridge, (6°) John R. Penn & Frank Penn, (7°) George Strawbridge Jr., (8°) Wellspring Stables, (9°) Godolphin, (10°) Reiko Baum & Michael Baum, (11°) Rodeo Chico, (12°) Brereton C. Jones