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(51-1) 610-3000

Resultados | Hipódromo de Monterrico - PERU

Reunión 158 Churchill Downs
Viernes 7 de Junio del 2019


Claiming (Clm)
Pr. "Claiming"
Ejemplares 3 años y más que no hayan ganado 3 carreras o ejemplares de 3 años y más (3a+)
1400m Arena (Rápida)
15:18 hrs.

Bolsa de Premios: USD $27.580
Claiming: USD $10.000

USD $15.680 al 1ro - USD $5.600 al 2do - USD $2.800 al 3ro - USD $1.400 al 4to - USD $840 al 5to - USD $420 al 6to - USD $420 al 7mo - USD $420 al 8vo

Daily double / exacta / trifecta / superfecta / pick 3 (6-7-8) pick 4 (6-7-8-9)

1° Summerduck

2° Because It's Time

3° Garey Park

4° Justenufftuff

5° Sparkys Surprise

6° Jingle Me This

7° Astro Empire

8° Utmost Intensity

Ejemplar (Padrillo) E. Dist. Jinete Preparador Div.
8 Summerduck (Flatter) 3a 53.5 C. Lanerie Eddie Kenneally 0.6
4 Because It's Time (Creative Cause) 5a ½ cp 54.9 M. Mena James M. Watkins 5
6 Garey Park (Trappe Shot) 5a 54.9 T. Gaffalione Andrew McKeever 6.5
1 Justenufftuff (Justenuffhumor) 4a 7 54.9 C. Landeros Brian Williamson 12
2 Sparkys Surprise (Zoffinger) 5a 54.9 S. Bridgmohan Alice G. Cohn 5.6
3 Jingle Me This (Artie Schiller) 5a 9 54.9 R. Albarado Thomas Humphries 17.8
7 Astro Empire (Astrology) 3a 10¼ 53.5 J. Gilligan Jere R. Smith, Jr. 47.8
5 Utmost Intensity (Majestic Warrior) 9a 11½ 51.7 J. Padron-Barcenas William E. Duvall 60.9
Corrieron Todos
Tiempo: 01.25.49 1400m Arena (Rápida)
Ejemplar Ganador A Segundo A Tercero
(8) Summerduck 3.2 2.4 2.4
(4) Because It's Time
4 3.4
(6) Garey Park

Ganador 3.2
Exacta (8-4) 11.80 - 128817
Trifecta (8-4-6) 12.40 - 80575
Superfecta (8-4-6-1) 10.61 - 45352
Daily Double (5-8) 11.80 - 13785
Favorito: (8)Summerduck

Mandiles: 8, 4, 6, 1, 2, 3, 7, 5

Jinetes: (1°) Corey J. Lanerie, (2°) Miguel Mena, (3°) Tyler Gaffalione, (4°) Chris Landeros, (5°) Shaun Bridgmohan, (6°) Robby Albarado, (7°) Jack Gilligan, (8°) Javier Padron-Barcenas

Preparadores: (1°) Eddie Kenneally, (2°) James M. Watkins, (3°) Andrew McKeever, (4°) Brian Williamson, (5°) Alice G. Cohn, (6°) Thomas Humphries, (7°) Jere R. Smith, Jr., (8°) William E. Duvall

Studs: (1°) HRH Racing and Kenneally, Eddie, (2°) Pohl, Dennis and Pohl, Barbara, (3°) Jack Garey, (4°) Vanier, Nancy A. and Williamson, Lyda, (5°) F. Madary, Jr. J., (6°) Thomas Humphries, (7°) Backstretch Stables, (8°) William E. Duvall

Criadores: (1°) Green Lantern Stables, LLC, (2°) Brandywine Farm (Jim & Pam Robinson), (3°) Joseph Calvo, (4°) Lyda M. Williamson, (5°) Sharon Biamonte, (6°) Anne Rush, (7°) Crowning Point Farm, (8°) Lavin Bloodstock, Bernie Sams &William S. Farish, Jr.