Jinetes: (1°) Gary Boulanger, (2°) Chantal Sutherland, (3°) Eurico R. Da Silva, (4°) Rafael M. Hernandez, (5°) Sunny Singh, (6°) Patrick Husbands, (7°) Alan Garcia
Preparadores: (1°) Norman McKnight, (2°) Kevin Attard, (3°) Catherine Day Phillips, (4°) Stuart C. Simon, (5°) George Billers, (6°) Mark E. Casse, (7°) Ian Black
Studs: (1°) Racer's Edge, Inc. and Maxis Stable, (2°) Ulwelling, Al and Bill, (3°) Fitzhenry, Sean and Dorothy, (4°) Chiefswood Stable, (5°) Oak Run Racing Inc., (6°) Barber, Gary, Oxley, John C., Kinder, Ralph and Woolsey, E. Ervine, (7°) Kaster, Nancy R. and Richard S.
Criadores: (1°) Green Lantern Stables, LLC, (2°) Smart Angle, LLC, (3°) Sean Fitzhenry & Dorothy Fitzhenry, (4°) Chiefswood Stables Limited, (5°) Errol Bailey, (6°) Ralph Kinder, Erv Woolsey & Ashford Stud, (7°) Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Kaster
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