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(51-1) 610-3000

Resultados | Hipódromo de Monterrico - PERU

Reunión 353 Aqueduct
Domingo 19 de Diciembre del 2021


Maiden Claiming (Mcl)
Pr. "Maiden Claiming"
Ejemplares nacidos en Nueva York de 3 años y más no ganadores (3a+p)
1600m Arena (Rápida)
16:04 hrs.

Bolsa de Premios: USD $43.000
Claiming: USD $40.000

USD $23.650 al 1ro - USD $8.600 al 2do - USD $5.160 al 3ro - USD $2.580 al 4to - USD $1.720 al 5to - USD $185 al 6to - USD $185 al 7mo - USD $184 al 8vo - USD $184 al 9no - USD $184 al 10mo

Exacta, trifecta (.50), super (.10) wagers

1° Sandro the Great

2° Got the Gold

3° Lucky Brody

4° My Brother Neil

5° Viking Zim

6° Oliver's Fortune

7° Grey Giant

8° Addicted to You

9° Reunion Tour

10° Mighty Meister

11° Brennan's War

12° Zap Man

Ejemplar (Padrillo) E. Dist. Jinete Preparador Div.
5 Sandro the Great (Empire Maker) 4a 56.2 B. Hernandez Patrick J. Quick 10.9
13 Got the Gold (Goldencents) 3a 54.9 E. Cancel Chris J. Englehart 2.65
1 Lucky Brody (Brody's Cause) 3a 55.3 J. Samuel Orlando Noda 10.7
12 My Brother Neil (Exaggerator) 3a 54.9 D. Davis John T. Toscano, Jr. 10.1
2 Viking Zim (Mshawish) 3a 54.9 J. Lezcano Rudy R. Rodriguez 2.95
7 Oliver's Fortune (Laoban) 3a 9 54.9 J. Castellano Ralph D'Alessandro 8.6
8 Grey Giant (Giant Surprise) 3a 54.9 S. Camacho, Jr. Joseph G. Davies 24.75
11 Addicted to You (Bellamy Road) 3a 10½ 54.9 H. Harkie Gary Sciacca 27.25
9 Reunion Tour (Super Saver) 3a 17¼ 54.9 K. Carmouche James W. Ferraro 9.7
10° 4 Mighty Meister (Wicked Strong) 3a 17½ 54.9 J. Mendoza Alcina Rawles 59.5
11° 3 Brennan's War (War Dancer) 3a 34¾ 53.1 C. Ramos Leah Gyarmati 42
12° 6 Zap Man (Ghostzapper) 3a 44½ 54.9 T. McCarthy James A. Jerkens 9.1
Retiros: (10)Rush to Honor
Tiempo: 01.40.16 1600m Arena (Rápida)
Ejemplar Ganador A Segundo A Tercero
(5) Sandro the Great 23.8 10 6.5
(13) Got the Gold
4.6 3.3
(1) Lucky Brody

Ganador 23.8
Exacta (5-13) 61.25 - 292482
Trifecta (5-13-1) 278.50 - 172078
Superfecta (5-13-1-12) 284.15 - 110198
Daily Double (9-5) 389.50 - 123282
Favorito: (13)Got the Gold

Mandiles: 5, 13, 1, 12, 2, 7, 8, 11, 9, 4, 3, 6

Jinetes: (1°) Benjamin Hernandez, (2°) Eric Cancel, (3°) Jalon L. Samuel, (4°) Dylan Davis, (5°) Jose Lezcano, (6°) Javier Castellano, (7°) Samuel Camacho, Jr., (8°) Heman K. Harkie, (9°) Kendrick Carmouche, (10°) Jhonatan Mendoza, (11°) Christian Ramos, (12°) Trevor McCarthy

Preparadores: (1°) Patrick J. Quick, (2°) Chris J. Englehart, (3°) Orlando Noda, (4°) John T. Toscano, Jr., (5°) Rudy R. Rodriguez, (6°) Ralph D'Alessandro, (7°) Joseph G. Davies, (8°) Gary Sciacca, (9°) James W. Ferraro, (10°) Alcina Rawles, (11°) Leah Gyarmati, (12°) James A. Jerkens

Studs: (1°) Gallagher's Stud, (2°) My Purple Haze Stables, (3°) Moirano, John L., Carmine Cirrincione Stables and O'Brien, Robert K., (4°) Bran Jam Stable and Clark, David W., (5°) M.C. Stables, (6°) Seacoast Thoroughbreds of N. E., (7°) Gerry L. Brewster and Richard F. Blue, Jr., (8°) Roger Cimbora, Jr., (9°) Ferraro, James W. and Barbati, Kenneth B., (10°) Rawles, Alcina, Plummer, Daniel, Calibey, Megan and Rawles, William, (11°) Bona Venture Stables, (12°) Howard Whitbred T.

Criadores: (1°) Gallagher's Stud, (2°) Mcmahon Of Saratoga Thoroughbreds, LLC, (3°) Caliburn Farm, LLC, (4°) Fred W. Hertrich lll, John D. Fielding& Robert L. Tribbett, (5°) Taylor Brothers Properties LLC, (6°) Seacoast Thoroughbreds of New England, (7°) Anthony Grey LLC & Peter Colon, (8°) Roger Cimbora Jr., (9°) Fred W. Hertrich III, (10°) Howard C. Nolan & Daniel Plummer, (11°) Sugar Plum Farm & Roll the Dice, (12°) Thinking Cap Stables & Howard T. Whitbred