Jinetes: (1°) Emisael Jaramillo, (2°) Miguel A. Vasquez, (3°) Edwin Gonzalez, (4°) Sonny Leon, (5°) Leonel Reyes, (6°) Jose C. Ferrer, (7°) Edgar Perez, (8°) Joseph Trejos
Preparadores: (1°) Jose D'Angelo, (2°) David Fawkes, (3°) Rohan Crichton, (4°) Juan D. Arias, (5°) J. D. Braddy, (6°) David Fisher, (7°) Kathleen O'Connell, (8°) S. T. Bennett
Studs: (1°) Gran Chanito Stable LLC (Jose Benitez), (2°) J J Brevan Stable, LLC, (3°) Crichton, Rohan, Smith, Dennis G. and Walters, Daniel L., (4°) Maurice Miller LLC, (5°) J. David Braddy, (6°) Double W Thoroughbred Racing, Inc., (7°) Maurice Miller LLC, (8°) Stori Atchison and S. Tony Bennett
Criadores: (1°) Angel Roman, (2°) JJ Brevan Stable LLC, (3°) Jay Walker & Israel Chavez, (4°) Maurice Miller, LLC, (5°) Beth Arneault, (6°) Double W Thoroughbred Racing Inc, (7°) Maurice Miller, LLC, (8°) Rustlewood Farm, Inc.
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